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"SM4 Giant Block-setting Crane" by patouminou - 12/06/2024
1.116.606 bytes - 5.123 parts
Here is the leaflet
and in French
and here the model done in VM by ace65 :
To play with :
Menu :: View :: Toolbars and Docking Windows :: Motion, then adjust General and MOTEUR cursors.
The controls are at the back of the cabin. Choose in the rightmost combo box :
SELECTEUR_MOUVEMENT (the blue handle)
Left : travelling on tracks. It is the track which runs to keep the crane on the screen and the track is short. To run you must use the push and pull red handle (behind the brake bushwheel) EMBRAYAGE_DEPLACEMENT. The travelling is very slow !
Right : rotation of the boom. There is no inertia, so the rotation is very fast !
SELECTEUR_TREUIL (the white handle)
Left : traversing movement of the trolley.
Right : hoisting of the block-setting gear.
FREIN the brown bushwheel is the brake of the block-setting gear winch.
Strangely there is no reverse control, use the command MOTEUR of the Motion panel.
Enjoy !
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